I had a great time last Saturday shooting for Bella Davis' 21st Birthday party which was a Caribbean-themed event held in the River & Rowing Museum in Henley-on-Thames. A steel band, a jerk chicken dinner for 130, including dancing, colourful cocktails and with a brilliant bunch of friends and family, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The party theme was created by Queenie & Belles Events with a cocktail deck, a chill-out marquee and a genius dining room with palm trees and feathers everywhere. It was like Carnival came to Henley and I'll be shooting more with Q&B over the summer.
When I take pictures at events, especially parties, I shoot with available light always as it gives a much more flattering end result, a slow shutter of 1/60 creates a soft and cinematic look to the images and I use two camera bodies with different primes. I try and shoot candids as much as possible as these tell a much richer and truer story of the night. The Fuji XF56mm F1.2 and the FUJI XF23mm F1.4 covered every eventuality and get more use than any other lenses in my kit. I used the FUJI X-Pro 1 and the FUJI X-T2 with battery grip.